Mainline Big Band - Our players

Caroline our musical director

Caroline is our Musical Director. Here she is on clarinet. Caroline is also an accomplished saxophonist.

Our saxophone section

Stuart our baritone sax player, here playing the alto sax

Stuart on baritone sax

Clive on tenor sax

Clive on first tenor sax

Annette on second tenor sax

Annette on second tenor sax

karen on alto sax

Karen on first alto sax

Sophia on second alto sax

Sophia on second alto sax

Our brass section

Pete on trombone

Pete, our principal trombonist

Hilary on trombone

Hilary on trombone

Alex on Trombone

Alex on bass trombone

Tim on trombone

Tim on trombone

James on trumpet

James on trumpet

Rosemary on trumpet

Rosemary on trumpet

David on trumpet

David on trumpet

Iain on Trumpet

Ian on trumpet

And now for our rhythm section

Ethan on piano

Ethan is our pianist

Pete on bass guitar

Pete is our bass guitarist

Phil on guitar

Phil is our rhythm guitarist

David the drummer

David on drums

Here are our vocalists

Anne Wyatt our female vocalist

Anne, our female vocalist

Tom our male singer

Tom is our male vocalist

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